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Project Wellbeing & HFGP


Our Clinical Psychologist Tehani Gunasekara and her team work closely with the doctors at HFGP to ensure our patients have access to top psychological care.

Project Wellbeing is a Castle Hill based Psychology and wellbeing practice that provides individual therapy, Wellbeing Workshops, and Perinatal Mental Health services. Our goal is to preemptively equip, coach and connect all Australians with the tools, techniques and strategies to be, or become mentally fit, experience wellbeing, and make the most of life despite its ups and downs.

Whether you are one of the “worried well”, have been diagnosed with Depression or Anxiety, or have no particular concern at all but wish to achieve more out of life, our services can assist you to increase your quality of life and psychological health.


Project Wellbeing & HFGP2022-05-18T01:42:25+00:00


Preventive medicine is the practice of promoting preventive health care to improve patient well-being. The goal is to ultimately prevent disease, disability, and death.

Cervical Screening

Cervical screening (previously known as PAP smears) is one of the most important preventative health measures women can undertake. Cervical cancer is one of the very few cancers that can be prevented, picked up, and treated with cell changes long before it becomes cancer. The current test screens for certain strains of HPV infection which is highly associated with abnormal and pre-cancer cell changes on the cervix. It is important that as many women as possible remain up to date with screening. That is why we send you reminders to come in and have a screening test. You can help us by letting us know if you have had […]


Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)

People with heart disease require extra care to prevent more cardiac events, illness and death.

Heart disease, and specifically ischaemic (or coronary artery) disease, is an important and common cause of death and disability in Australia. If you are known to have CHD, it is vital that your cholesterol level is kept as low as possible and often well below normal.

Despite your best efforts with diet and exercise, studies have shown that taking cholesterol lowering medications (“statins”) can save lives and prevent further infarcts (“heart attacks”).

Another medication that will prevent clots in the arteries around the heart are anti-platelet medications and aspirin. That is why we often prescribe these medications to you, and is why we are actively measure and try to improve the number of […]

Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)2024-09-11T08:45:38+00:00


Vaccines are as important to your overall health as diet and exercise. When you skip vaccines, you leave yourself vulnerable to illness.

Childhood Vaccinations

Childhood vaccinations are a crucial measure in preventing debilitating and potentially life-threatening infections. The Australian National Immunisation Schedule is the result of extensive research and public policy that is designed to make sure all children stay healthy and well. It is important to make sure that as many children as possible are up to date with their vaccinations in order to protect them, their families and their contacts.

We look at the number of children who are fully immunised. As can be seen from the chart on dashboard, the vast majority of children who attend our practice are fully vaccinated. Our practice has a strong focus on children’s health, and we would appreciate […]


Managing Diabetes at HFGP

Diabetes care is complex, and there are many things we can measure that help us determine effectiveness of care.

If you are living with diabetes, controlling your blood sugar is very important to prevent complications such as diabetic eye disease, diabetic kidney disease, and many more potential complications. One of the blood tests we often request is the HbA1c level. This test provides a guide to your “average” blood sugar levels over the previous three months, and is a measure of diabetes control.

Whilst the optimal level will vary and depend on each individual patient’s circumstances, we feel that a reasonable goal for us is to get as many patients as possible to below a level of “8”, and that we record HbA1c on as many patients as possible. Many individual patients […]

Managing Diabetes at HFGP2024-09-11T08:44:53+00:00

Covid-19 vaccination for people with low immunity

Please note that the advice on this page is specifically for patients who have conditions which could have impaired their response to the first and second dose of the Covid Vaccine. The advice for boosters is different to what is referred to as dose three. Further information on boosters can be found on the government website or on our Covid-19 information page.

Frequently asked questions

Updated 4th June 2022

Covid-19 vaccination for people with low immunity2022-07-10T06:56:47+00:00

Team Based Care


As many of our patients know, we continue to bring together a wonderful team of people who are all there to help when they need them. We encourage all of our patients to meet and partner with their team as required. We believe that team based care helps build the GP-patient relationship, and is designed to improve the quality and safety of the care we provide. Our practice team, which includes GPs, nurses, a medical practice assistant, a consultant pharmacist, a dietitian, a psychologist, and reception team, work together to ensure that you receive the advice and help that you need. Most importantly, we recognize that the most important part of the health care team is you, our patient.

As well as the care you receive from your GP, examples of the care that our team provides includes:

  • Childhood immunisation and developmental checks at concurrent appointments with […]
Team Based Care2022-06-13T23:52:13+00:00

Our Vision


We want to be a practice that delivers team-based healing relationships that wrap around the healthcare needs of our patients and their families. We want to make sure the care we provide is effective, evidence based, safe, and focused on prevention. Our focus is to provide lifetime care to the individual and their family as well as our entire patient population. We want to become your medical home.

Our Mission

We at Hills Family General Practice believe that our patient is the centre of our health care model. We use high quality and high value care that helps our patients achieve their goals for health, well being and ultimately improve their quality of life. Our team have built a happy, cohesive and supportive environment that embraces the lifetime health needs of our entire practice population.

Our Values

  • Honesty-We wish to treat each other and our patients in a […]
Our Vision2022-05-18T01:44:22+00:00

Managing Covid-19 at Home

This page provides you with information about what to do if you have Covid-19. The advice on this page is of general nature and you should seek medical attention or call us if you have any questions.

Frequently asked questions

Managing Covid-19 at home

For further information regarding management of mild covid-19 symptoms at home, please refer to this NSW Health website.
Managing Covid-19 at Home2023-02-18T13:39:40+00:00

Quality Improvement


One of the fundamentals of quality and safety in healthcare is to embed a strategy for continuous quality improvement and to never stop trying to become better. As part of our service, accountability and commitment to you, we believe that we should continuously look to improve and build on the service that we provide.

We want to make sure that the care we provide to the individual (as well as all of our practice population) is effective, evidence based, safe and focuses on prevention as well as illness.

We do this by measuring what we do, including measurements based around the experience of our patients, what our patients report about their health, as well as health and prevention measures on our population of patients. We have set up a dashboard of performance on this website. By using and tracking […]

Quality Improvement2022-06-29T07:42:50+00:00
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