There are many definitions of a medical home that incorporate general practice. We have visited and studied many systems around the world to learn about the best models of care, including Oregon, Cambridge Health Alliance in Boston, New Zealand, and the UK. However, we believe that a medical home is more than just usual general practice.
We define a medical home as a general practice which has embedded systems that enhance and deepen the relationship between the patient, GP, and practice team.
We are striving to become a comprehensive medical home by:
- Systematizing enrollment and continuity of care – we want to be your partner in caring for you and your family over your lifetime, and that you see us as your preferred general practice.
- Providing access when and how patients need it- we are trying to incorporate ways you can access care other than the usual face to face method.
- Having a comprehensive and prevention focused population approach- we want to make sure that you receive the help, information and services that you need even when you are not at the practice.
- Having a comprehensive and prevention focused population approach- we want to make sure that you receive the help, information and services that you need even when you are not at the practice.
- Embedding a strategy for quality improvement- we constantly look for ways to measure and improve the quality of the service we provide and want to be the “best at getting better”.
- Being transparent and accountable- we want to make sure you receive the best possible evidence based healthcare and are not afraid to show where we can improve.
Attributes of a Medical Home
There are many health systems around the world that are looking at ways to improve care in general practice. Once place we visited was Portland in Oregon, where they have defined the qualities or attributes of a medical home from a consumer perspective. We know we have truly become a medical home when all of our patients can say these things about us.
Improved access: “Health care team, be there when I need you”
Accountability: “Take responsibility for making sure we receive the best possible health care”
Comprehensive: “Provide or help us get the health care, information and services we need”
Continuous: “Be our partner in time in caring for us”
Co-ordinated and integrated: “Help us navigate the health care system to get the care we need in a safe and timely way”
Patient Centred: “Recognise that we are the most important part of the care team, and that we are ultimately responsible for our overall health and wellness”
Implementation of Oregon’s PCPCH Program: Exemplary Practice and Program Findings. Final Report, September 2016